"Gossip and fools !"

Hello everyone, do you think that Gossiping is a waste of time? If yes, then you are right. Then friends let us discuss it.


What gossip means? I think informal talks about someone's private life. Am I right? As we know that we all are human beings and cannot survive without fulfilling our basic needs: food, clothing, and shelter. Similarly, Gossiping has become our basic necessity. People who live a common life and those who are not focused in their life, they love to gossip. They are very much interested in discussing others' private life and waste their time by talking about those things which are not true.


What will we achieve by doing such gossiping? It's true; it is a big time wasting element. We all know that each and every successful person has no time for such silly things.. Instead of these I will say, people who avoid this silly habit, they become successful in their life. I hope that you are with me.. I just want to say if we invest our valuable time in skill full or productive work, it would give us high returns and it will make us a Great person. Guys let me help you by sharing with you few suggestions to avoid the gossips:


1.     Stay away: Guys if we want to get rid of this habit from our life, we have to stay away from it. If you observe somebody who is busy gossiping, don't make the mistake of joining them. Go away from them and focus on your work.


2.     Always think Positive: Several times, gossiping comes when we are thinking negatively about somebody, it comes when we have a fight with someone. So in this case, we have to always think positive about a person whose behaviour we didn't like. When we feel negative about someone, try to see some positive things about that person.


3.     Change the topic: Any topic gets interested when we talk or discuss too much over it. If somebody is talking with you about another's person’s personal life then you should stop that topic and start productive DISCUSSION.


4.     Speak in Front of them: The people who gossip more, they don't have the courage to speak in front of that person. Guys don't make this mistake, go and clear what you genuinely feel about them. Instead of spreading any kind of rumours, clear your doubts and understand the facts.


Guys I am not saying that all gossip is bad. There are also some good gossips like talking something good or positive about someone behind them, expressing gratitude to someone. But spreading rumours, false information, unnecessarily interfering in someone's life, all these are negative gossips.


So, friends always talk on the topics which are healthy, positive and helpful to you and others.


Always remember, Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people. 


Thank You.
- Miss. Dhanashree Madhav

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