Happiness is not some target destination you can reach or some feeling you can acquire by your determination to think about being happy. In fact, when happiness is greatly influenced by your thinking it generally comes more from doing than from thinking....

             This modern day’s notion we have learned from the self-help, motivation and positivity age is that we have to closely monitor our thoughts and then quickly change every negative thought into a positive one. On the surface this all sounds fine.
            Have you ever observed changing your thoughts this way and noticed how good you feel later on? Generally it seems, the more focused you are in the present moment and closely watch what you are doing, the better you feel. In such moments you don't have to turn on your MENTAL OVEN MONITOR to check if your HAPPINESS is ready. It naturally happens and you have the pleasure of enjoying it!!! Sure these are simple examples, but they do point to an awareness that "the best use of our minds is to accompany the activity we are engaged in, in the moment called "now".
                  No one's life ever got better from over- thinking, analyzing and judging. Yet, we engage in it as if it is a responsible way to behave. It seems a person is happiest when he / she choose what they will do and will not do. How many people really do what they want to do? Things are always modified and changed to fit in. We often spend our day in anxiety trying to live up to the rules set by someone else for us to live. We do not trust ourselves and thereby severely curtail our happiness. Our minds become choked of things we should do, not do and must do!!! Don't you just love and admire the people who do what they want to do?
          Happy man is the person who does not condemn himself for the things he enjoys! Indeed, happy  man is ...
          The essence of finding happiness is not in looking for happiness at all. Rather it is, choosing to live in the current moment, enjoying your choice of activities, accepting yourself just as you are and living your own life! It is in making plans and pursuing dreams. It is in being fully present with the people you love. It is in flexibility, spontaneity! It is in getting out of your own head while refusing to judge yourself, analyze yourself. It is in finally choosing to live your life rather than choosing only to think about it and judge it....
            Happiness is not exclusive, do not shy away from it. Rather it is waiting for you to let go of all  your controls and ideas and simply be yourself. It is around you, waiting for you to notice it’s presence. It is at your home, in your work, in the beloved ones, in the nature. It is in each moment of life being spent in doing and living. It is hoping you will set aside all your judgments, comparisons and analysis long enough to be noticed, I'm here and how HAPPY I feel!!

Thank You!

- Meenakshi Mahesh Sutar


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