Hi there in this age of great hustle and work no one has the time to read books. So I am here to get you out of this problem I create book reviews or summaries so in your spare time you can   use it for your development. today we will see summary of the book MANAGING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE this book is written by Machen MacDonald  and includes teachings of many famous writers
so lets begin .


Writer provide 4 T' s when anyone asks him about time management
He says that everything begins with thought.
Example look around yourself and see, everything gets invented due to thought
Also he says that thought is a form of energy
Writer promotes us the manifestation matrix
He says that emotion is a energy in motion
Actions/ behaviours
Results /outcomes
Feelings / emotions

Manifestation matrix
Don’t be affected by negative thoughts
Most people think that they are hostage to a event which means the make the thoughts come over them
Asking someone about the wall betn them and their success make the writer always hear about time
Eg -I am too busy
I don’t have time etc
The main reason for failure is these reasons
Look these thoughts as a small incect which may end in a short span of time
These  thoughts makes your thinking very low
Eg- deadline of your of office work
Going to the GYM
Your body needs constant nutrition and work to be in shape like this your  mind and your brain too needs good nutrition
G-Y-M means guiding your mind the greatest mind one said that ‘ whatever we say to ourself before we look at something determines what we see ‘
Your memetic environment is affected by your internal dialogues so control your thoughts to control your life
We come up with 80000 thoughts per day out of them 90% are from yesterday ,the day before yesterday or the day before that day.
Writer says that repetition is the mother of all skills. So think which thoughts are you coming up daily and make sure that at what things you are getting skillful at.
Guide your mind that you have plenty of time. Start living in present because past is one and future does not exists. There is always NOW so live in present. One of the writers friend says that ‘worrying is just a prayer for what you don’t want’
This word have two meanings no where and now here. If you focus on left of W Then you are focusing on past or future but if you focus on right of W then you are focusing on present. Based on your focus and what our thoughts are, we create images in our mind. We always have the power to choose right and healthiest perspective.
While guiding your mind start adopting thoughts like
·        I get things done on time
·        There is always enough time

Acknowledge the positive behavior. Don’t be negative toward yourself. We know that what we focus on expands. So focus on positive behavior and thoughts for success.
The next rule writer says to set the intention or perspective today for tomorrows action to experience less tension. Always remember – Set intention – pay attention – experience less tension. Start writing a dairy make to do lists etc. If you plan a day and work according to it making the plan work 60% then you are on the right track. Your plan will never work 100%. Writer says that to achieve impossible see the invisible. He also says that if you want to be productive then find these three points in your work
1.     What are you great at.
2.     What you really enjoy doing.
3.     What are your five highest revenue producing activities from those two lists ?
Stop tolerating, doing , being what you do not want. Get someone who will observe your reports of your daily, weekly and monthly plan .
Align your awareness, action and accountability to be a master in time management.

This is the summary of chapter one I will soon post the next lesson till then stay connected stay motivated and be happy.


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